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I love helping people get started on their books.

Some of The Books Mike wrote or helped create.

Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng

Unapologetic Leadership: Finding The Moral Courage To Do The Right Thing

Are you an aspiring leader seeking to make a real impact in your profession? Are you tired of leadership approaches that prioritize fear, over values? Ready to create meaningful change in your environment? Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng's "Unapologetic Leadership" is the guide you've been waiting for.

  • Lead with Values, Not Fear: Drawing on his extensive experience as an ICU physician, Dr. Kyeremanteng reveals that true leadership is about leading with integrity and values, not fear. Explore the principles of moral courage and discover how to make decisions that align with your core values. Understand the psychology of fear in leadership and how to overcome it.
  • Action-Oriented Approach: Unlike typical leadership books that favor analysis over action, this book emphasizes practical tools and advice. Learn actionable insights and step-by-step guidance on becoming an unapologetic leader who stands firm in their convictions. Start making a difference in your workplace today with exercises, case studies, and real-world applications.
  • Accessible and Inspiring: Written in a laidback and engaging tone, "Unapologetic Leadership" is accessible to anyone, whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out. Find inspiration to lead with purpose, foster teamwork, and drive success through principled leadership. Engage with thought-provoking questions and reflections that challenge you to grow.
Ron FoxCROFt

The 40 Ways Of The Fox

In The 40 Ways of the Fox, Ron Foxcroft lights the way for new entrepreneurs and business veterans alike. Ron details how he negotiated his way out of high school, enjoyed a 23-year career as a clandestine Canadian referee in the highest reaches of NCAA men's basketball, built a sweeping transport business and created a revolutionary whistle sold in 140 countries.
Among the accompanying Way of the Fox rules...

  • How to ask leaders in your industry for advice.
  • How to make sure everyone arrives early at your meetings.
  • The essential 20 percent of the gross formula he uses at the lifeblood of his business.
  • One of the worst phrases a leader will hear: "I'll try."

Fun to read and easy to implement, The 40 Ways of the Fox is an indispensable tool for people navigating the new entrepreneurial economy and a handbook for young people hoping to fashion a career in business. Net proceeds from the sale of this book are being donated to Liberty for Youth and City Kidz, two agencies that do enormous good in our community.

Marc Petitpas

The 50 Year - Old Millennial:

The leadership gap exposed by the Millennials and how to close it.

In The 50 Year-Old Millennial, business strategist Marc Petitpas delivers a leadership masterclass driven by a radical proposition: a new culture of servant leadership is the perfect framework to recruit, mentor, educate and promote the talent that will drive business.

Millennials, Marc writes, are absolutely correct in demanding workplace in which their career path is clearly delineated, where they are given consistent feedback and recognized for excellence.

The 50 Year-Old Millennial proposes five anchors to install, maintain and renew a servant leadership workplace.

  • How to manage the pivotal connection meeting
  • How to make sure everyone arrives early at your meetings.
  • How to run short, powerful weekly coaching sessions
  • How to coach employees on the shop floor
  • How to shape and implement strategies for personal development
  • How to sharpen employee results through performance reviews

Part manifesto, part handbook and always wholly entertaining, The 50 Year-Old Millennial will reshape the way you look at work.

Michael Hynes

The Myth-Guided Mind: Unleash Your God-Given Genius at Work and at Home

In The Myth-Guided Mind, Michael Hynes delivers a powerful proposition: we are not nearly so broken as the devices we use to make us well. With a success rate of around 20 per cent, conventional therapy tactics turn us towards false answers and away from what we need most.

Hynes argues that healing techniques such as somatics, coupled with a reconnection to allegories that hide the keys to our happiness in plain sight, will lead us home. We need to access the same old stories to stop repeating our same old stories.

The fiction, he writes, isn’t mythology, but rather the modern notion that those stories can’t carry our hearts forward. It is, as Joseph Campbell long ago proposed, our false thoughts and not our myths that shackle us to the vicious treadmill of our lives.

Passionate, brave and grounded in enduring truths, The Myth-Guided Mind is an adventure for the spirit, the soul and the mind.

Michael Hynes is a Toronto-based corporate and personal coach. The Myth-Guided Mind is his first book.


Show and Tell Writing: A Great, Short Business Book About How to Write a Great, Short Business Book

In Show and Tell Writing, Mike Ulmer is true to his word. He has written a great, short business book about how to write a great, short business book.Mike traces his own story and evolution as a writer to create the ultimate handbook for people who want to rejuvenate their businesses.

With easy, step-by-step instructions, Show and Tell Writing explains...

  • How writers access our hardwired need to resolve patterns and reach conclusions to create know, like and trust.
  • Why every book is a business book and why the act of writing a book is so transformative for the writer.
  • The three pillars of every great business book: The Proposition, The Backstory and The Recommendations.
  • Loaded with tips and chock full of unforgettable stories, Show and Tell Writing is the one book you need to write the book your business needs.

I also speak, host purposeful workshops and organize my own events, too!

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